

customer-ticket -- Assign a ticket to a customer


customer-ticket ticket-number customer-username


Set the customer for a ticket ticket-number to the customer named customer-name. (This is an organizational customer, NOT a person.)

A customer is really just a wrapper for a group of people, and (so far) does not have much purpose. Eventually, BATTS will use customers as a notion for billing and as a notion for permission to see or operate on a group of tickets.


Security is enforced only by standard Unix permission bits.

See Also

assign-ticket(1), billing-new(1), category-new(1), category-ticket(1), close-ticket(1), customer-new(1), customer-ticket(1), duplicate-ticket(1), help(1), log(1), log-end(1), longdesc-ticket(1), mysql(1), pending-on(1), person-fullname(1), person-new(1), person-username(1), priority-ticket(1), requestor-ticket(1), resolve-ticket(1), resolve-when(1), shortdesc-ticket(1), show-billing(1), show-cat-ticket(1), show-categories(1), show-commands(1), show-cust-ticket(1), show-customers(1), show-log(1), show-my(1), show-new(1), show-open(1), show-people(1), show-priorities(1), show-status(1), show-ticket(1), show-ticket-log(1), status-ticket(1), ticket-new(1), ticket-via-email(1), touch(1)