

log-end -- Set the end-time on a log entry


log-end log-id-number


Set the end time on event log id log-id-number to the present moment. This creates a ticket log entry that stretches from the ticket's start log time to the present.


Security is enforced only by standard Unix permission bits. There is no way to create an event with arbitrary start and end times.

See Also

assign-ticket(1), billing-new(1), category-new(1), category-ticket(1), close-ticket(1), customer-new(1), customer-ticket(1), duplicate-ticket(1), help(1), log(1), log-end(1), longdesc-ticket(1), mysql(1), pending-on(1), person-fullname(1), person-new(1), person-username(1), priority-ticket(1), requestor-ticket(1), resolve-ticket(1), resolve-when(1), shortdesc-ticket(1), show-billing(1), show-cat-ticket(1), show-categories(1), show-commands(1), show-cust-ticket(1), show-customers(1), show-log(1), show-my(1), show-new(1), show-open(1), show-people(1), show-priorities(1), show-status(1), show-ticket(1), show-ticket-log(1), status-ticket(1), ticket-new(1), ticket-via-email(1), touch(1)